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IVF Doctors and Infertility Clinics in Cincinnati, Ohio.

  IVF and Egg Donation- Cincinnati, Ohio

In vitro fertilization (IVF) and other "high tech" procedures are now referred to as the assisted reproductive technologies (ART). These procedures all involve collecting the oocytes (eggs) and placing them in direct contact with sperm. Together they form an alphabet soup of techniques including: IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, ICSI, FET.

In its simplest term, IVF is simply the uniting of egg and sperm in vitro ( in the lab). Subsequently the embryos are transferred into the uterus through the cervix and pregnancy is allowed to begin. IVF was the first of the ART techniques to be developed. The first birth was in 1978 in England. The procedure was pioneered by a Gynecologist and a Ph.D. ( Drs. Steptoe and Edwards). Next came GIFT which stands for gamete (egg and sperm) intrafallopian transfer. This procedure requires laparoscopy which is small incision surgery and requires a general anesthetic. With existing technology, pregnancy rates are similar with IVF and GIFT. Since IVF does not require surgery, it has supplanted GIFT.

A typical IVF cycle begins with shutting down the ovaries. This is done with a medication known as a GnRH agonist or a birth control pill. The most common drug that is used is Lupron. Lupron is given for approximately two weeks after which the ovaries are shut down temporarily. The reason for ovarian shut down is so that the follicles when stimulated will all ripen at approximately the same time. The next phase involves stimulation of the ovaries with potent ovulation medications such as Pergonal, Bravelle, Repronex, Gonal-f or Follistim. These are basically potent ovulation medications given to stimulate the development of several eggs. For a full description of these agents go to the page on ovulation medication. These injections are given for approximately 10 days. When the eggs are ready for harvesting, a final step is to give hCG to induce final maturation. The eggs are then harvested by a process called ultrasound guided vaginal retrieval. Under moderate sedation, and with ultrasound guidance, a thin needle is passed a short distance into the ovaries and the eggs are suctioned from the follicles. Typically 5-15 eggs are collected. Typically the eggs are fertilized by adding approximately 100,000 motile sperm to each egg. If the sperm will not fertilize the eggs naturally we can perform intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).


3805 Edward Rd.,
Suite 450,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209.
Telephone : 513-924-5550
FAX : 513-924-5551

Ohio Egg Donation and Surrogate Agency

Thank you for visiting our site and exploring the possibilities of becoming an egg donor. Being an egg donor is one of the most generous gifts that one woman can give to another. Since 1983, egg donation has been able to help women who have no ovaries, have a genetically transmitted disease, or have never been able to conceive a child on their own. Without an egg donor, these women have no chance or hope of ever having a little angel of their own.

As a parent that so desperately wants a child to love, there are specific traits or characteristics that you desire in a donor. For this reason, Reproductive Assistance Inc. has searched and interviewed thousands of potential donors to create a database of quality donors.

All of our donors have been or are in the process of being MMPI tested and psychological screened. Once a recipient family has selected a donor, the physician group will begin the process of completing the physical screening of your donor. This physical screening process may take a few weeks depending on your physician group.

All of our surrogates have had passed a criminal background check, MMPI test, and psychological interview before being added to our database. If the surrogate has just applied to our company, we may be in the process of completing the initial screening.

Once a family has picked a surrogate, the family can request a phone conference call with the surrogate. At this time, the family can ask any additional questions they may have. Sometimes completing a conference call with two potential surrogates helps make an easier decision.


Reproductive Assistance Inc.
P.O. Box 404
Terrace Park, OH 45174

Conceivable Beginnings, LLC

After the approval of the short screening application, you will need to complete the confidential on-line application as the first step in the surrogacy process. You will provide personal medical and family history, as well as why you would like to become a surrogate. Once we have reviewed your application, we will personally meet with you. Conceivable Beginnings, LLC is dedicated to your well-being and complete knowledge of this process. Your care will be under the direct supervision of a Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and the entire team of nurses, Medical Assistants and personnel of the chosen center. Once a pregnancy is confirmed, your care will be provided by a physician who specializes in Obstetrics specific to your needs.

After the approval of the short screening application, you will need to complete a confidential online application as the first step in the egg donation process. You will provide personal medical history, family history, drug usage, medication usage, sexual history, educational background, philosophy on life and why you want to become an egg donor. We have also provided professional links to further your education about this endeavor. Conceivable Beginnings, LLC is dedicated to your well-being and complete knowledge of this process. Your care will be under the direct supervision of a Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and the entire team of nurses, medical assistants and personnel of the chosen center..

The medical procedure leading to the actual donation of the eggs starts with a synchronization of your cycle with the intended recipient's cycle. You will take a medication though an injection to suppress or stop your natural menstruation cycle. Once the cycles are synchronized, you will start a different injectable medication to stimulate your ovaries into developing multiple eggs. You will be managed closely by a physician certified in this area of practice. You will undergo blood tests and vaginal ultrasounds throughout the "stimulation" process to monitor your progress. Once the follicles (the part of the ovary that contains the eggs) are mature, you will receive a final injection of a medication that will finish the maturation of the eggs. 36 hours after this injection, you will undergo the egg retrieval under a mild sedation. During this sedation, a needle will be passed through the vaginal wall to aspirate the eggs from each ovary. A registered nurse and physician will be present with you throughout the procedure. You will be released to go home shortly after the procedure. Due to the sedation given, you will need a friend to drive you home. The average cycle from start to finish lasts 3 to 5 weeks. Upon completion of the retrieval, Conceivable Beginnings, LLC will compensate you financially for your time and efforts. Although uncommon, there are risks associated with taking these injectable medications and the retrieval process. The physician caring for you during this cycle will explain the possible side effects and any risk involved. Please utilize our resource link on the "About Us" page for further education on this process.


Conceivable Beginnings, LLC
P.O. Box 25
Terrace Park, Ohio 45174
513-368-9721 for Holly
513-368-9271 for Celia
800-417-8835 Toll Free
513-965-0734 Fax

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