Fertility Clinic Houston Texas
One of the most frustrating diagnosis a couple can receive is unexplained infertility. It is our “nature” to seek the cause(s) of any medical condition negatively affecting our body.
“Unexplained” does not mean there is no cause of a couple’s infertility. Essentially, science and reproductive medicine have not advanced to the point where the cause can be identified. As more research is done, the numerous “undiscovered” causes of infertility will be delineated. An example is the advances made in male infertility. Many couples who had “mild male factor infertility” would probably have been diagnosed as “unexplained” several years ago. We have gotten much better in identifying the many aspects of sperm “quality”.
Most experts believe that a large segment of “unexplained infertility” is due to genetic disease in either the sperm or egg. Their may be problems with fertilization and embryonic development that have not been characterized by scientists. In fact, many couples with unexplained infertility opt for IVF because the fertilization of the egg by the sperm can be observed and documented by the embryologist.
Once successful fertilization occurs, the embryo travels to, and implants in, the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium. During embryonic and fetal growth the endometrium provides nourishment.
The lining of the uterus must thicken and become much more vascular to provide the needed nutrients. Endometrial cells are “fast growing” and develop rapidly under the influence of estrogen and progesterone. Endometrial cells ability to rapidly grow and divide is the cause of endometriosis wherein the cells attach to, and sometimes penetrate, organs and other structures.
Phone (713) 467.4488 10901 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77079
Houston Infertility Clinic Fertility Treatment
Infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant after one year of unprotected, regular intercourse. The time is shortened to less than six months in women aged 35 and over. Approximately 11% of couples will experience infertility at some time in their reproductive lives.
Infertility in the female is usually caused by failed ovulation, tubal disease, cervical disorders, endometriosis, hormonal disorders, or uterine disorders. Male factor is implicated in up to 47% of infertile couples. In many cases, the cause of infertility can be determined, and this is termed "unexplained infertility".
IVF, In vitro fertilization, has enabled thousands of infertile couples, who otherwise had no chance of creating genetically related children, to conceive.
"In vitro" literally means "outside of the body", which is where fertilization occurs in IVF. The IVF team needs numerous eggs to work with because some are invariably damaged during retrieval, culture and transfer. Additional eggs may also enable the creation of extra embryos, which can be used in future "non drug stimulated" IVF cycles.
The female's hypothalamus gland produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which instructs the pituitary gland to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), ultimately causing the recruitment and development of eggs within the ovarian follicles. In an IVF cycle, additional FSH is given by injection, causing the development of numerous eggs.
7400 Fannin St., Suite 1180 Houston, Texas 77054 Phone (713) 790-9900 Fax (713)-790-9901IVF Clinics Austin : IVF Clinics Dallas : IVF Clinics Fort Worth : IVF Clinics Houston : IVF Clinics South Houston : IVF Clinics North Houston :IVF Clinics Lubbock : IVF Clinics Odessa : IVF Clinics San Antonio |